SUPERSIM Prepaid Multi-network SIM Card, incl. € 5 Initial Credit

In order to send recordings, wildlife and surveillance radio cameras need a SIM card that...
In order to send recordings, wildlife and surveillance radio cameras need a SIM card that connects them to the internet. The SUPERSIM prepaid multi-network card is like a SIM card. It was specially developed for wildlife and surveillance cameras and offers numerous advantages for use in cameras. SUPERSIM dials in to any mobile network throughout Europe and thus guarantees maximum network coverage. In Germany, for example, the network providers are: T-Mobile, Vodafone and O2/E-Plus. It is important that the SIM card is provider-independent and can work with any available network, as wildlife cameras are typically hung in places where there is not good reception on every network. The SUPERSIM can switch networks and thus send recordings where other SIM cards do not work because they are constrained to a single provider.
The SUPERSIM card not only works in Seissiger's wildlife cameras, but in almost all cameras from other manufacturers. However, the Seissiger cameras are optimised for use with SUPERSIM so you don’t have the nuisance of setting the SIM card up. Thanks to the SUPERSIM, your wildlife camera automatically works with any available mobile network in 40 countries - so you always have maximum network coverage and reliably receive your recordings.
  • Without basic fee, contract commitment, subscription, minimum purchase or expiry date
  • Bundling of any number of SIM cards per account (pooling)
  • Billing occurs only once per recording transferred from the camera
  • Only € 0.02 up to 100 kB (e.g. photo 0.3 MP/640 x 480)
  • Only € 0.03 up to 300 kB (e.g. photo 1.2 MP/1280 x 960)
  • Only € 0.06 up to 3 MB (e.g. QVGA video 5 seconds)
  • Only € 0.09 up to 5 MB (e.g. HD video 5 seconds), each additional MB from 5 MB: € 0.09/MB
  • These prices include 19 % VAT
SUPERSIM Mobile Networks
    Further details on the manufacturer



    As a pioneer in the European wildlife camera market and with over 10 years of experience, the Seissiger company, based in Würzburg (Germany), has set itself the goal of developing devices that stand out for their reliability and high quality.

    Article no. 760303
    Brand Seissiger
    Ready to ship today, delivery time 2-3 workdays within Germany
    €5.00 per piece(s)

    Prices incl. VAT


    plus shipping costs
